Because of years and years of factories emitting toxins into the atmosphere, Pennsylvania is plagued by pockets of poor air and bad water quality that damage children’s health and cause severe respiratory diseases, heart attacks and even strokes. That’s why EEN Action is leading pro-life Christians in vehemently condemning carbon-based fuels and advocating for safe water and clean air for Pennsylvania’s children.
The first step to combat carbon pollution in communities across Pennsylvania, RGGI, a cross-state initiative, places caps on pollution from power plants, reinvesting the proceeds into efficient and clean energy for communities. RGGI will require fossil plants to operate more cleanly nationwide and will require states to develop and submit a plan to meet these federal requirements.
Although Pennsylvania has been part of RGGI for over a year, the state cannot benefit since the initiative is being held up in the courts. It is reported that the state has lost out on a staggering $1 billion and emissions due to this delay.
EEN Action calls on the governor, legislators and other government officials to respond and affirm Pennsylvania’s commitment to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative to reduce emissions and protect the health and wellbeing of children in Pennsylvania and beyond.
No level of emissions is safe. Let's unite and urge the government to revamp RGGI to protect our children from pollution.
You can sign EEN Action’s petition to join the fight! Then share with family and friends to spread the word!